That means muscle concentration of taurine is highly regulated in humans and unresponsive to large variations in plasma concentration. In spite of this, 7-day supplementation with twice 1.66 g of taurine failed to increase muscle concentration of taurine during 2 hours cycling. Such a daily load represents a pharmacological intake compared to taurine intakes of 60–180 mg/day in omnivorous humans. Plasma concentration of taurine increases up to 1 mmol/L in young volunteers taking two oral experimental loads of 1.66 g of taurine with a meal, each. Human plasma concentration of taurine is about 50 µmol/L and plasma taurine originates not only from its synthesis in the liver but also from the diet, notably meat. Thus, muscle content of taurine directly depends on its uptake carried out by the chloride sodium dependent taurine transporter (TauT, SLC6A6 gene) ( Fig. In contrast with glutathione, taurine is not synthesized in muscle due to the lack of cysteine dioxygenase, the first enzyme of the catabolic pathway of cysteine leading to taurine. Taurine is a catabolite of cysteine, whose skeletal muscle concentration ranges from 9 to 19 µmol/g thus, it is almost as abundant as cysteine contained in proteins ( Fig. Isabelle Savary-Auzeloux, in Nutrition and Skeletal Muscle, 2019 Skeletal Muscle Concentration and Plasma Supply of Taurine For instance, perinatal taurine depletion alters learning, memory, and neural control of blood pressure in adult life, whereas taurine supplementation prevents or improves some neurological disorders. Because de novo synthesis of taurine is relatively low in the brain, exogenous taurine is needed for appropriate development and adult functions of the brain. During the postnatal period, GABA gains dominance along with glycine as central inhibitory transmitters. During the embryonic and early postnatal life, taurine appears to act as a major inhibitory neurotransmitter/modulator in the brain, having much higher concentrations than GABA in most areas.

Studies of synthesis and distribution show that taurine is present in the brain of the early embryo and is differentially distributed. It plays a role in neurotransmission, although the brain does not appear to have a specific taurine receptor. Taurine is present in the brain, where it appears to be involved in many functions from conception onward. Sanya Roysommuti, James Michael Wyss, in Bioactive Nutraceuticals and Dietary Supplements in Neurological and Brain Disease, 2015 Abstract